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Иван Купала 2023: Дата, История, Традиции Праздника, Приметы и Гадания

  Праздник Ивана Купалы: История, Традиции, Приметы и Гадания в 2023 году Иван Купала – это старинный славянский обряд, имеющий древние корни и связанный с поклонением природе и божествам. В истории происхождения праздника смешались предхристианские и христианские обряды. В современном обществе этот день ассоциируется с весельем и отдыхом у воды. Люди чтят обычаи предков, соблюдение которых обещает крепкое здоровье и благополучие на ближайший год. В этой статье "Вечерней Москвы" вы узнаете о том, когда и как появился праздник, а также о его традициях и гаданиях. Когда отмечается Иван Купала в России в 2023 году Иван Купала отмечается каждый год в один и тот же день – седьмой день второго месяца лета, и начинается празднование с заката. В эту ночь люди веселятся до рассвета. Согласно преданиям, в это время лешие, русалки, водяные, домовые и другие существа отправляются "на охоту", а вода и огонь приобретают особую магическую силу. Также считается, что если найти цвет...

Revolutionary AI Discovery: Potent Drugs Unveiled to Combat Aging and Age-Related Diseases

The process of finding new drugs, known as drug discovery, has traditionally been a costly and time-consuming endeavor. However, machine learning, a form of artificial intelligence, has emerged as a game-changer that can significantly accelerate this process at a fraction of the cost. In a recent breakthrough, a team of researchers including colleagues from the University of Edinburgh and the Spanish National Research Council IBBTEC-CSIC in Santander, Spain, harnessed the power of machine learning to identify three highly promising candidates for senolytic drugs. Senolytics are a class of drugs that slow down the aging process and help prevent age-related diseases. Understanding Senolytics and Their Role: Senolytics function by eliminating senescent cells, commonly referred to as "zombie cells." These cells remain metabolically active but lose their ability to replicate due to DNA damage caused by various factors, such as exposure to UV rays. While the inability to replicate ...

Bachelorette Charity Lawson on Choosing Brayden: Defying Brother's Warning with Reasoning

  In the season premiere of The Bachelorette, Charity Lawson's journey took an unexpected turn when her older brother, Nehemiah, made a surprise appearance at the mansion. As an undercover bartender, Nehemiah overheard conversations among the suitors and felt compelled to warn Charity about Brayden, a contestant who had been bragging about kissing her. Despite the warning, Charity decided to give Brayden the First Impression Rose, a move that surprised many. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Charity discussed her reasoning behind the decision, Nehemiah's comically bad disguise, and her approach to initiating kisses on the first night. Charity explained that her decision to give Brayden the rose was based on their excellent chemistry and effortless conversation. While Nehemiah's input raised concerns about Brayden's reaction to the kiss, Charity considered his age and maturity as factors that might have influenced his behavior. Listening to Brayden's explana...

"Victim of a Gangland Execution: A High-Level Criminal Identity with a Significant Target"

  Police have reported that a man was fatally shot in a violent execution incident that occurred in Sydney's eastern region this morning. The victim, identified as Alen Moradian, was allegedly a prominent figure involved in organized crime, with strong connections to the Comanchero bikie gang. The shooting took place at the underground car park of the Whitten Lane apartment complex on Spring Street in Bondi Junction at approximately 8:30 a.m. According to a relative present at the scene, Moradian had supposedly abandoned his criminal lifestyle and was portrayed as a good person. It is understood that he had relocated from his family home and had been living in fear for the past year. The Bondi Junction apartment was believed to serve as his sanctuary. The crime scene yielded crucial evidence, including a handgun and a mobile phone, which will be integral to the ongoing investigation. Detective Superintendent Danny Doherty referred to Moradian as a "high-level criminal identity...

Elton John's Farewell Performance at Glastonbury Marks His Final Concert in the UK

 Elton John Bids Farewell at Glastonbury with Unforgettable Performance Sir Elton John, as part of his Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour, graced the stage at the Glastonbury Music Festival on June 25. This historic event marked the legendary musician's final concert in his homeland, concluding his remarkable career in the UK. The crowd was treated to a mesmerizing show featuring a mix of beloved hits and rare gems. Kicking off the evening, Elton John delighted fans with a rendition of The Who's "Pinball Wizard," a song he hadn't performed since 2009. The energy continued to soar with iconic tracks like "The Bitch Is Back" and the electrifying "Bennie and the Jets." The setlist also included his signature anthem, "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road." One of the standout moments came during the performance of "Are You Ready for Love," where Elton John was joined by special guests Jabon Lusk and the London Community Gospel Choir. The song...

Siemens Energy-Aktie fällt weiter: Jefferies stuft Siemens Energy nach Kurssturz auf 'Hold' herab

 Jefferies senkt Siemens Energy von 'Buy' auf 'Hold' und reduziert das Kursziel von 25,00 auf 16,50 Euro Siemens Energy: Fortgesetzte Unsicherheit führt zu weiteren Belastungen Analyst Simon Toennessen erwähnte in einer kürzlich veröffentlichten Studie, dass Siemens Gamesa dem Energietechnikkonzern den Wind aus den Segeln genommen habe. Nachdem Siemens Energy aufgrund der Probleme der Windkrafttochter seine Jahresziele korrigieren musste, prognostiziert der Experte für Siemens Gamesa zwei Verlustjahre. Der Mutterkonzern, der ansonsten solide aufgestellt ist, könnte auf absehbare Zeit mit den finanziellen Auswirkungen der technischen Probleme bei Siemens Gamesa zu kämpfen haben. Aus diesem Grund bleibt Toennessen vorerst an der Seitenlinie und begründet damit seine neue Anlageempfehlung. Siemens Energy weiterhin von hoher Unsicherheit betroffen Die Aktien von Siemens Energy setzten ihre Talfahrt am Montag fort. Seit dem Rückzug der Jahresziele am späten Donnerstagabend f...

Valérie Damidot révèle honnêtement les motivations de sa participation à «Danse avec les stars» : «Entre mon banquier et la ménopause»

  "Valérie Damidot révèle sans détour les motivations de sa participation à «Danse avec les stars» lors de son passage dans «Quelle époque !» sur France 2. Entre besoin d'argent et perturbations liées à la ménopause, l'animatrice du PAF se confie face à Léa Salamé et Christophe Dechavanne le samedi 24 juin 2023." Valérie Damidot évoque un souvenir mitigé de sa participation à Danse avec les stars en 2016. Accompagnée du danseur professionnel Christian Millette, l'animatrice avait donné le meilleur d'elle-même. Malheureusement, leurs performances n'ont pas pleinement convaincu le jury, et Valérie Damidot s'est classée septième dans la compétition Mon rêve d'enfant : devenir ballerine "Valérie Damidot se confie sur son expérience "terrible" dans l'émission "Danse avec les stars" lors de son passage dans "Quelle époque !" le samedi 24 juin. L'animatrice revient sur les douleurs aux pieds causées par les talon...